I did a thing…

Crazy to think that I came to Norway to live with my boyfriend. To a place where I will be surrounded by darkness 20 hours a day and up to my legs in snow all the time.

Have you ever thought about just how powerful the feeling of love is? The things you would do for someone or something, or essentially just for that felling.

It’s an amazing feeling to love someone, but it is only amazing if that love is reciprocated. And it is important to make sure you are both equally putting in the work.

There is so much that goes through you’re head when you move in with someone. Besides the regular “WOW, I’M LIVING WITH A BOY!! ” reaction I am having, and the normal do we make each other so happy that we cant live without each other?! questions, I also have to factor in the “Am I willing to leave my entire life behind for him? “.

My 90 days starts……. now.


2020- The start of something new

January 1st, two thousand twenty. The first day of a new year. Day one of a fresh start. And also eight more days until I move to Norway!! For those of you who don’t know I have had a five year romantic rollercoaster of a ride long distance relationship with my handsome Norwegian boyfriend Kristoffer and finally, next week I will be going on a 90 day adventure to see if Norway is for me!

New years day always makes you think of what you’re going to try and change for the better this coming year. Such as living a healthier lifestyle, trying to prioritize seeing the world, or thinking about rekindling relationships of all sorts. For me this year its all of the above plus more!

I am excited to once again get to travel to countries around the world and live through another culture. I want to explore nature, and try new things, put myself in all sorts of situations, and get in apartment with my boyfriend. IM LIVING WITH A BOY!

All I know is that in this crazy life around us you can not plan the future no matter how hard you try. You will never be able to tell what or who is right for us until we live it.But we can enjoy all of its excitements it has to offer along the way. 🙂

Message me your resolutions and have a happy new years !!

Xx Allison